Install WordRake Editing Software

WordRake for Microsoft Word for Mac

1. To get started, close all documents and quit Microsoft Word.

2. Click the blue button (below) to download WordRake for Word.

Download WordRake for Mac

3. Then, from your downloads folder, double-click the download "WordRakeMacInstall.pkg" file to begin installation.

4. Once installation is complete, open a Microsoft Word document and click on the WordRake tab above the ribbon.

WR v5 Ribbon MAC Word 2021_WR Tab

5. To activate your license, click on the License button.
WR v5 - Enter License Key MacWord
6. Earlier, you received an email from us. It includes your license key, and you’ll need it to activate your license. The email should look like this:
WR v 5 License Key Delivery Email for Instruction Pages
7. Refer back to your email for the license key and copy and paste the license key into the space provided. It should look like this:
WR v5 Word License Key for Instructions Pages

 (Can’t find it? Look for the long string of characters near the bottom of the earlier email. If you can’t find that email, please contact support and we’ll help you.)

8. When you’re ready for feedback, select Brevity and/or Simplicity to determine which types of suggestions to receive.
WR v5 Ribbon MAC Word 2021_Brev or Simp
9. Next, click the Rake button and watch WordRake analyze your document and suggest improvements.
WR v5 Ribbon MAC Word 2021_Rake Button
10. In under one minute, WordRake can make hundreds of editing suggestions that appear in the familiar track changes form. Your suggestions will look like this:
WR v5 Sample Edits for Instructions Pages
11. Use the WordRake Accept and Reject buttons to keep the edits you like.